Would you walk through this neighbourhood alone? I headed into the deepest parts of Aswan city, a city in the South of Egypt, … #Don39t #Visit #Egyptian #Ghetto

Don't Visit This Egyptian Ghetto! 
By TravelMaxiPosted on Posted in Travel and VacationsTagged aswanghetto, aswanvlog, avoidthistown, baldandbankrupt, baldr, dalephilip, Don39t, egypt travel, egyptghetto, egyptian, foodvlogs, gabrieltraveler, Ghetto, ghettovlog, harald, haraldbaldr, indigotraveler, kurtcaz, kurtcazvlogs, kurtvlogs, nfkrz, people, streetfood, timk, travel, travelvlogs, villagevlog, visit, wonderboyjeremy