Journey through the Pacific Ocean, Kiribati

No, I do not encourage you to explore the world during the Covid-19 epidemic. It could be difficult and dangerous for you.
Traveling from New Zealand east about 800 km, there are two large islands, the Chatham archipelago, the islands: Chatham, Pitt and Mangere. Of which the first two are inhabited. As you can see in Google Maps someone took a photo on Mangere and you can admire. You can get there by plane from New Zealand. There is a small airport on the island of Chatham.
Now, about 3000km north-east, you’ll find yourself on Kiribati.

On the island of Kiribati there are several settlements with interesting names: Paris, London, Tabwakea, Banana and … Poland. Poland?


Unfortunately, there is not enough electricity but even drinking water. Poland lies on the island of Kiritimati – one of 33 islands scattered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is these 33 beautiful coral islets that make up the poor, but unique country of Kiribati. Poland is at its very end, which is why tourists and any news are rarely found here.

But where does the name come from?


The village was so named to commemorate the Pole Stanisław Pełczyński from an American ship carrying a copra, which hit the island when its inhabitants had problems with irrigation of palm plantations. Stanisław helped them solve the problem. He taught them how to desalinate sea water as well as how to improve the irrigation system. It was in his honor that the settlement was named today. Originally they wanted to use the Polish name for this, but it was too difficult for the locals, so it was decided that the village would be called Poland
Pełczyński’s help was of great importance to the local community, which is why it was decided to show gratitude to the Pole in such an interesting way.
It built a church dedicated to Saint. Stanislaus, and the bay in the lagoon was called the Bay of Saint Stanislaus.

Unfortunately, because of rising sea levels due to global warming, the fate of Kiribati is worrying. But about this another time.

Journey through the Pacific Ocean, Kiribati
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