Posted in Travel and Vacations By TravelMaxiPosted on June 15, 2022Tagged amp, aswan vlog, cairo, cairo vlog, egypt, egypt history, egypt travel, egypt travel vlog, egypt vlog, egyptian food, egyptian ruins, egyptian street food, exploring egypt, female travel vlog, giza pyramids, hilton luxor, inside the great pyramids, instanbul, karnak temple, king ramses, koshary, luxor, luxor temple, luxor vlog, marriott mena house, my first trip to egypt, nile river, nubian people, Part, pyramids, things to do in egypt, travel, trip to aswan, trip to cairo, trip to egypt, trip to giza, trip to luxor, vlog MYYASMINAA This summer for my Birthday, I wanted to treat myself to a vacation in Egypt, and brought my little sister. #EGYPT #TRAVEL #VLOG #PART #Cairo #amp #Luxor EGYPT TRAVEL VLOG PART 1 (Cairo & Luxor)